Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why to embrace Firefox 3.6’s new-tab ethos

Why to embrace Firefox 3.6’s new-tab ethos

Sometimes it’s the little things that count.

The most prominent feature of Firefox 3.6 is Personas, which let you reskin the browser with thousands of different looks. But my single favorite change is a subtler change to the open-source browser’s user interface.

Specifically, when you open a link in a new tab, it appears immediately to the right of the active tab. Before, the new tabs would appear to the far right of the strip of tabs.

Yup, that’s it. For those of us who spend hours a day in a browser, though, the new tab behavior helps group related tasks together. I constantly shuffle among dozens of tabs, and the new approach automatically brings some organization to my cluttered life.

However, I know it’s not everybody’s favorite browser behavior. So along with explaining why I like it, I’ll also take some potshots and share instructions on how to get the old way back.

Why it’s better
The more things I do with a browser–and the number has increased steadily for years now–the more important it becomes to be able to find different tasks amid the chaos. Microsoft and Apple understand this, as evidenced by the new taskbar features in Windows 7 and dock expose in Mac OS X 10.6, aka Snow Leopard. Those features make it easier to pluck out the one window you need from among the many you may have open.

There’s a pattern to how I spawn the dozens of tabs I use as a day progresses. On a variety of pages–Gmail, Google Reader, Yahoo Finance, somebody’s blog post–I’ll encounter a host of links to other pages. I’ll middle-click my mouse button to open interesting pages as background tabs, then use Ctrl-Tab to switch to the new pages when I’m ready. I repeat this pattern many times a day.

With the old behavior, each tab appeared to the far right of the tab strip. That’s fine when getting started, but when I’ve moved halfway across the list and want to open another batch, I want the new ones–call them children–to open next to their parent tab. When I go away and come back, or when I lose place juggling tasks, it’s easier to find my bearings again.

It’s like being in a library. When you’re in the European history section, you don’t want to find books on rewiring your house and on vegetarian cooking.

As a longtime Firefox user, I didn’t realize tab positioning could be better. When I started using Google’s Chrome, which introduced the new tab behavior to me, the scales were lifted from my eyes. I immediately could get to the next tab with a quick press of Ctrl-Tab on the keyboard rather than have to use the mouse to click over to the far end of the list. I use both browsers daily, but until the Firefox 3.6 beta arrived, the new-tab position had become a sore point for me when in Firefox.

The change is actually a big deal in a couple ways. First, even seemingly minor changes in software can be disruptive. Old habits die hard, and computer users wrestling with constant change can get angry when more is foisted upon them.

Second, though, browsers are assuming an ever greater role in what people do in their personal and professional lives, and keeping one’s bearings is commensurately important. That’s especially true for those people for whom a gaggle of browser tabs represents a collection of chores going on in parallel.

How the competition handles it
Tabs are now universal among browsers, but new-tab behavior isn’t. Firefox and Chrome handle it the way I like best, but how do others tackle the issue?

First, let’s look at Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft showed it understands some of the challenges of tab management in its latest version of its browser by coloring child tabs the same hue as their parents, but I have a gripe with how it works. Specifically, although child tabs get the same color as their parents for easy grouping and arrive to the right, grandchild tabs are the same color as child tabs. Similarly, grandchild tabs appear to the far right of the whole group of child tabs.

In my mind, I consider grandchild tabs a separate group from the child tabs. But with IE, grandchildren get the same color and position treatment as children. The only way to get a new color is to start a fresh empty tab There’s no easy way to give grandchildren a new color without causing some confusion, though–should the child be the same color as the original parent or change color to be grouped with the grandchildren?

Next is Opera, which gives users a choice. By default, it opens new tabs to the far right, which I don’t like, but in the Advanced|Tabs section of the preferences dialog box, you can check “Open new tab next to active.” Huzzah!

There’s a subtle change here I don’t care for, though. Tabs always appear immediately to the right of the active tab. I’d rather have all one tab’s children appear in sequence to the right. For example, if a parent tab is in position 1, then the first child would be in position 2, the second in position 3, and the third in position 4. Opening three child tabs in Opera leaves the parent in position 1, the third child in position 2, the second child in position 3, and the first child in position 4.

Last, there’s Safari. It does it the old way I loathe with no option to change. Too bad.

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